Welcome to a transformative journey of personal and professional growth! As your dedicated creative capacity coach, I am committed to helping you unlock your full potential, set meaningful goals, and build the capacity needed to achieve them. Together, we will embark on a process designed to empower you to reach new heights in your life and career. This journey will be tailored specifically to you, ensuring that your unique aspirations and challenges are at the forefront of our work. So, let's begin this exciting adventure, where we'll map out your dreams, set actionable goals, and equip you with the tools and mindset necessary to turn your visions into reality. Get ready to ignite your creative potential and step into a future filled with growth, fulfillment, and success. 

Here's the process:

  1. Complete New Client Questionnaire: This questionnaire will gather essential information about your background, goals, challenges, and expectations. It's an opportunity for you to reflect on your current situation and what you hope to achieve through coaching.

  2. Initial Consultation and Discovery Session: After reviewing the completed questionnaire, I will schedule an initial consultation and discovery session with you. During this session, we'll delve deeper into your responses, and clarify your goals. I will also explain my coaching process, confidentiality agreements, and set clear expectations for our coaching relationship.

  3. Assessment and Goal Setting:  I will conduct an assessment of your strengths and areas for growth. Together we will define specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Collaboratively we will establish a roadmap for the coaching engagement, and outline the steps and milestones to track progress.

  4. Customized Coaching Plan: I will develop a customized coaching plan tailored to your needs and goals. This plan will include a schedule for coaching sessions, methods and tools we'll use for capacity building and goal achievement, and any additional resources or exercises that will support your growth. 

  5. Regular Coaching Sessions and Progress Monitoring: With the coaching plan in place, we will commence regular coaching sessions. These sessions may occur weekly, bi-weekly, or according to a schedule agreed upon during the discovery session. During each session, we will track progress toward the established goals, provide guidance, support, and feedback, and adjust the coaching plan as needed based on your evolving needs and circumstances.